Lord to decide by Christmas

I don’t mean to be rude but…..

Does it really matter?

In the aftermath of one of the shortest terms for an elected Premier in history – one that was almost lost after one term – why does it matter what the ex Premier does or doesn’t do?

I suppose it’s a little bit about curiosity. I have to admit being blow away by how far a politician can fall. From the proposed saviour of the Conservatives to failed NB Premier in a couple of years.

I say in all sincerely, I hope they find a nice appointment for Lord. The fate of many past Tory Premiers would not be desireable. We all know what happened to Hatfield not long after leaving. And then there’s Grant Devine, former Tory Premier of Manitoba. From Wikipedia:

In 2004, Devine announced his intention to return to politics and run for the federal Conservative Party of Canada, but the party ruled he was an undesirable candidate, and denied him the right to seek a nomination. On May 7, Devine announced that he would run as an independent candidate in the 2004 federal election for the riding of Souris—Moose Mountain. Consequently, Devine was expelled from the Conservative Party on June 8 by the executive council of the Conservative party.

David Peterson ended up doing alright for himself. But the problem is that most people would say that our boy Bernie is no Frank, or Peterson or Tobin or any of the other strong personalities that ended up with success post-Politics. There’s a laundary list of ex-Premiers across Canada that just faded back into private life. The problem with Lord is that he’s just 40 years old.

Probably in the back of his mind, he is hoping to be rehabilitated. Brought back to the national stage as the saviour of, well, something.

As for Bernie’s claim to be making his decision by Christmas? I’ll bet he sticks around. For at least a couple of years. Here’s a guy who’s #1 weakness was an almost pathological inability to make decisions and he is expected to leave by Christmas? Nah. Unless there’s some diplomatic post or other serious position in the wings, he sticks it out until Jody Carr turns 30 and decides he’s old enough to be Premier.

The Good Lord help us. I sincerely hope the Tories are smart enough to recruit an actual, proven leader to run their party next time.

Or at least someone not just getting over a bout of acne.